Yesterday I finished the Lord of the Rings. This brings up many topics... well like 2.
Ok so first off I just want to say that I LOVED it. It took me until the last movie to really get into, but then after that it was like a book that I just couldn't put down. I love stuff like that. I cried so hard at the end. I was all alone in my chair in the living room bawling into my scarf. I was so scared that someone was going to come home and see, but it was just so, sad/happy/ scary/ relieving. It was amazing. Thank you Peter Jackson.
Secondly, I wanted to make it known that I watched all but 1 /6th of the movies in French. The very last disc of the last movie I watched in English, and it was sooo weird. I thought that it seemed a lot more fluent in french, in a way, but I like Gandalfs voice better in English.
Now I just want to talk about french and english for a bit. I am thoroughly french fried. I don't even remember how to spell "thouroughly" and I have completely forgotten the word in english for the plate that you bake pies in. (Is it just simply called a pie plate?) Its good though. I have now finished 3 or 4 whole novels in french. Today I bought 2 books for my french class, which must be really quite intellectual, and for the first time all year, I am going to try in my litterature class.
French people are funny about english.
On one hand they don't like it, for the most part. The amount of good english teachers in France, it appears, is very very low. It seems that they are either very very not nice, or can't really speak english correctly themselves. Not that they aren't good people deep down inside, but in my experience, getting a good english education is not an easy task for the french.
On the other hand english is cool for the youths in france. I actually see more graffiti written in english than in french. There are all sorts of bad english words written all over, having to do with sex, drugs and rock and roll, which is funny, because they are not even always used correctly. Makes tourists laugh I suppose.
English is also a bit chic in France. Like French is a bit chic for us. Change hair dye from "color expert" to "couleur experte" and you can charge another $5 for the same product, because its "from Paris" Here in France there are quite a few english names which are incredibly chic, I'll share a few that have made me laugh..
A pet store that is called "lover dog"
A restaurant that is called "Break France"
And a store called "manpower" in which I have no idea what is sold. Today I was shopping and saw a bag that said, " Friendship is a golden." There are also shirts around that say, I am irresistable girl. There are many more and when I see / remember them I will let you all know. I find this all very chic.
Speaking of chic-ness, or rather lack of it on my part, I will now do a petit french anecdote.........
So I had some free time, for reasons I will explain below. I was shopping in "Galery Lafayette" a french chain of clothing stores. This particular store has 4 levels. To get down to the bottom I opted to be lazy and take the elevator. So I got in, pushed 0, and nothing happened, I pushed it again and nothing happened. I tried twisting the botton ( because everyone knows if it you can't push it, it must be twist -NOT) I stood there for like 2 whole minutes before a french girl came in. I looked and her and said, " It doesn't work!" Then she reached over and pushed this button that said AD!?. The elevator jumped into motion immediatly, and I went bright red. She just looked at me and didn't say anything. I told her I was Canadian, because that normally, will get you out of any embarresing situation, but no, this girl had no pity. It was clear what she thought of my underdeveloped elevator skills. I left the store as soon as I got to the botton, laughing and laughing.
The end.
I had some free time to shop today because THE TEACHERS ARE ON STRIKE AGAIN!!! This is the third time since I've been here. I LOVE FRANCE. Not only that but the students will be striking monday I think. I asked someone why, and no one really knows. My classy french friend, Romain

said that it was fashionable to stike. Like I said, I love France.
Now just because I want to, another anecdote from france. .....
Yesterday I went to the pool to do some hard core laps. I was swimming along, when all of a sudden this man wearing a pink swim cap, in the lane passes me, fully singing. It was so funny. I had a good laugh, and kept going.
And now, to share avec vous des photos.
This is a picture of the mountians where I went snowshoeing last weekend. It was beautiful. There was actually not a cloud in the sky. I could have gone in a tee shirt and been warm enough. The alps were magnificent.

My host family is the couvreurs, which in french means "roofer" like the guys that put rooves on houses. Its also a last name. This sign is funny because is says, "Caution Couveurs!" hehehe.