My olympic experience

Do you know what that is ladies and gentlemen?
Thats right its the olympic flame. It passed through Chambery the 6th of February, headed for Torino, Italy. I actually went to Albertville to see it because they were having a bigger celebration there because Albertville was the olympic town in 1992. It was so cool. We waited for at least an hour in the freezing cold, but when it passed, surrounded by all the Italians, it really put me in the olympic spirit, which is really saying something beacuse I'm not huge on the olympics normally. But this was amazing. There was a huge parade and lots of people. It was just so cool. I wore my trusty Canadian flag and carried one around to wave. So proud to represent. Good luck Canada. I got lots of free stuff as well. I got candies, olympic flags and a free hat/neck warmer. Pretty sweet.
After the flame passed, we ran after it!! After that there was this really cool show that recreated the opening spectacle of the 92. There were these drummers all dressed up in crazy green costumes who played they're drums while marching among the people on the field where we were. Then after they got lifted up by a crane and there were all 7 ish of them playing directly above us, lit up by spotlights. Then this acrobat lady appeared at the top and started doing crazy acrobat stuff on her swing like thing. I seriously thought she was going to fall, but she didn't. It was incredibly. While this was all happening, there was also an amazing fireworks display going on, for at least a good strong 15 minutes. It was sooooo cool.
After that we went to a skating / orchesta show. It was really neat. At the beginning, the band played on the ice, then loved off and we had some amazing skating. It was really the most enjoyable skating show I've ever seen. It was for the most part, professional level people, but there was no stress of competition, no worries, they looked like they were there just to put on a good show. There was music, lights, lots of interesting props and cool acrobatic action going on. Later on in the night, they took the pianist, and put him out on the ice and he played while the skaters skated. We got home at midnight. It was one of my favorite evenings in France.
This is Etienne, my fabulous host Dad, who brought me to see. He was a volunteer for the Albertville olympics in 92, so he knew everysecond person there, which was cool.
Ca y est je peux enfin lire de nouveau ton blog Bonnie. Sans doute que cela devait être super à Albertville qui a gardé son esprit olympique.
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