My HARD CORE weekend
You guys will never guess what I did this weekend, (with the exception of Ben, mom, the people I have told already.
This weekend I actully hiked up an entire mountain with a backpack with my snowboard attatched. I went with Etienne and he had his special, grip went you go up, slide when you go down skiis on. It took us 3 HOURS to hike up this mountian. It was steep and hard going, but the weather was beautiful and I got a wonderful tan. I was incredibly incredibly hot for the first time in a long time, being in freezing cold France. The hike up was killer in general though.
It was definatly one of the most hard core things I have EVER done. Then when we finally got to the top....... there was a ski station with a chair lift RIGHT beside us. There were people like 50 metres away laughing and sliding off the chair lift with ease. It was so ironic. I put in my own swear blood and tears to get to the top of that fricken mountain. I've never had such an incredibly strong "Oh my god, that was the wrong way to go3 feeling in my intire life. Then we put on my snowboard and Etienne his skiis and we skiied down where we climbed up, in like 30 minutes. Then we went home.
It was terrible, because by the time you get to the top, your completly exhausted, then you have to get back down, and trails for skiiers are not easy to do on a snowboard. I must have fell at least 50 times. It was very very very hard but, in the end, glad I did it.
Dad told me once that my Grandparents used to do that before they had skii lifts to take. I felt so old fashioned and mountainy. Just look at how hard core this is.
Anyway thats just about all I have to say, except that sunday we drove to the top of another mountain, and then me and Etienne spend 1 and a half hours running down it. It was pretty cool, but the jarring motion of running down the mountians, gave me a stomache ache. Then we played "loto" which is like bingo, but different, for a fund raiser for marie's school. It was actually really fun and very well organized, but I didn't win.
So need less to say I am 100% worn out, Good way to start the last week before the VACATION!!!!!!
This weekend I actully hiked up an entire mountain with a backpack with my snowboard attatched. I went with Etienne and he had his special, grip went you go up, slide when you go down skiis on. It took us 3 HOURS to hike up this mountian. It was steep and hard going, but the weather was beautiful and I got a wonderful tan. I was incredibly incredibly hot for the first time in a long time, being in freezing cold France. The hike up was killer in general though.

It was terrible, because by the time you get to the top, your completly exhausted, then you have to get back down, and trails for skiiers are not easy to do on a snowboard. I must have fell at least 50 times. It was very very very hard but, in the end, glad I did it.
Dad told me once that my Grandparents used to do that before they had skii lifts to take. I felt so old fashioned and mountainy. Just look at how hard core this is.

Anyway thats just about all I have to say, except that sunday we drove to the top of another mountain, and then me and Etienne spend 1 and a half hours running down it. It was pretty cool, but the jarring motion of running down the mountians, gave me a stomache ache. Then we played "loto" which is like bingo, but different, for a fund raiser for marie's school. It was actually really fun and very well organized, but I didn't win.
So need less to say I am 100% worn out, Good way to start the last week before the VACATION!!!!!!
Hey, I just wanted to reply to the nice comments you left on my blog! That sounds like an insanly hardcore weekend by the way, and Im jealous that you get to snowbored. I didnt even bother bringing my bored because I knew there were no mountains in my reach.
Im so impressed that you are running the Paris half-marathon! What an accomplishment that will be. March 5th Im supposed to be doing a 5km race, which is nothing compared to you but I will be chearing you on from over here. I definitly want to try and run a half by the end of 2006!
When I read that rotary isnt letting you travel anymore I really felt your rage! It must be so frustrating, but at least you can see many things within France.
Good luck on your run!
"being in freezing cold France"... tu veux venir en Finlande ;) ??? lol
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