Faire la greve!!!!

On tuesday, we had another strike in France. But this time, it wasn't the teachers. It was the students. The French government is trying to pass a law that is called the "Contrat Premiere Embauchement" which is a contract for people who are being hired for the first time in which their bosses can fire them at anytime without giving a reason. The upside of this is that if there are businesses that can't afford to pay their employees anymore, they can just get rid of one without having to go out of business. I'm pretty sure that this type of thing is legal in Canada, but the work systems here are so different. Its a lot harder to find a job, but once you've got one, it should be for good.
Because this affects students trying to get their first jobs, we took to the streets. Personally I stiked for 2 reasons.
1) Striking is the 2nd national sport in France. Not striking would be like coming to canada and never giving hockey a try. It would be a real shame.
2) If I am indeed going to move to France next year to go to school/ work (which is looking more and more likely) this law will actually affect me. It I get a job I would like to keep it for the whole year instead of having to find a new one every few months.

I'm such a rebel. hahaha
Bonne analyse Bonnie. Je rajouterai qu'on peut simplement déplorer qu'il n'y a qu'une majorité de jeune lycéen bien que ce problème touche tout le monde.... c'est bien dommage qu'on ne se mobilise pas tous pour ce problème....
La grève est bien un des sports favorit français beaucoup plus pratiqué dans les institutions publiques que dans les sociétés privées car il y a la crainte de perdre son emploi !!! Lorsque les employés des sociétés privés font grève c'est qu'il y a perte d'emploi dans un avenir proche (par exemple suppression massif d'emploi pour raison de délocalisation...).
Sorry Bonnie that I haven't visited your blog for a while...
"Striking is the 2nd national sport in France"
Je suis assez d'accord!!! Mais il faudrait que tu me dises quel est le 1er :)
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