Marche du Pâque
Heeelllllooooo everybody,
Sorry this has taken me so long. I have been crazy busy lately, and not had hours and hours to sit and wait for the computer to work.
Things are still going well. Last night I did an easter walk. It was a thing that was organized by youth groups in Savoie. Even though I'm not in a youth group I really wanted to do the walk, so I did. Its just such a cool idea. We walked all night.
We started out at 6pm. Had a little welcome and all that, then walked a bit and went to a mass. We ate dinner and at about midnight and then we started to walk. We did so till 6 am, stopping every hour or so for tea and hot chocolate. We walked from town to town, crossing a valley, throughout the course of the night.
It was a really cool experience. We walked through lots of really little old towns and tonnes of old buildings, all 150 of us, carring torches. It was so pretty to watch the procession curving ahead of me, 150 little flames lighting up the road and buildings. I met some really really cool people and had lots of good talks along the way.
And then it rained. At 2am it started to rain, and it rained soo hard. We were all soaked. completely. After that it was FREEZING cold. Not really pleasant, but, well, er.... not very pleasant. There really is no "but" to that one.
Four hours later, we finally got to the ending town and had breaky. I peeled off all of my soaked clothing, with the exception of my tee shirt, rung out what water I could, and tried to soak all the heat from my bowl of tea. And then we took the bus home.
When I got home, I struggled to keep awake in the hot shower just long enough to warm myself up without drowning, then slept until 4 pm. A clear sleeping record for me.
It was a pretty cool thing. It was kind of like running a marathon. People are like, "Why would anyone want to put themselves through that?" But walking all night in the pouring, freezing rain, fighting off sleep is just my idea of a good time. Its an experience that doesn't come up very often.
It makes your bed feel better than it has ever felt before, it builds caracter and after you can say you finished. Doing stuff like this forces me to have time to let my thoughts wander to things they normally wouldn't, to break out of the routine, and to meet really cool people along the way.
In other news, on thursday I'm heading off for my european tour, so if you call or email me during the next two weeks, I won't be there.
Lastly, I can't send email from this comp. I have yahoo and it doesn't recognize the "send" and "delete" etc buttons. I can read my emails but not sent them, so just a side note to Darren, (I hope you read this, or someone *please and thank you* from rotary lets you know the info is here) the "hotel du bon coin" was bought out and turned into condos, according to the tourism office in Chamonix, so you'll have to find a different hotel when you go there. Its no longer open.
Well ladies and gen , thats all I have to say,
talk to you all soon, or maybe not so soon, with the internet connection like it is, but in any case miss you all
A plus!!
Sorry this has taken me so long. I have been crazy busy lately, and not had hours and hours to sit and wait for the computer to work.
Things are still going well. Last night I did an easter walk. It was a thing that was organized by youth groups in Savoie. Even though I'm not in a youth group I really wanted to do the walk, so I did. Its just such a cool idea. We walked all night.
We started out at 6pm. Had a little welcome and all that, then walked a bit and went to a mass. We ate dinner and at about midnight and then we started to walk. We did so till 6 am, stopping every hour or so for tea and hot chocolate. We walked from town to town, crossing a valley, throughout the course of the night.
It was a really cool experience. We walked through lots of really little old towns and tonnes of old buildings, all 150 of us, carring torches. It was so pretty to watch the procession curving ahead of me, 150 little flames lighting up the road and buildings. I met some really really cool people and had lots of good talks along the way.

And then it rained. At 2am it started to rain, and it rained soo hard. We were all soaked. completely. After that it was FREEZING cold. Not really pleasant, but, well, er.... not very pleasant. There really is no "but" to that one.
Four hours later, we finally got to the ending town and had breaky. I peeled off all of my soaked clothing, with the exception of my tee shirt, rung out what water I could, and tried to soak all the heat from my bowl of tea. And then we took the bus home.
When I got home, I struggled to keep awake in the hot shower just long enough to warm myself up without drowning, then slept until 4 pm. A clear sleeping record for me.
It was a pretty cool thing. It was kind of like running a marathon. People are like, "Why would anyone want to put themselves through that?" But walking all night in the pouring, freezing rain, fighting off sleep is just my idea of a good time. Its an experience that doesn't come up very often.
It makes your bed feel better than it has ever felt before, it builds caracter and after you can say you finished. Doing stuff like this forces me to have time to let my thoughts wander to things they normally wouldn't, to break out of the routine, and to meet really cool people along the way.

In other news, on thursday I'm heading off for my european tour, so if you call or email me during the next two weeks, I won't be there.
Lastly, I can't send email from this comp. I have yahoo and it doesn't recognize the "send" and "delete" etc buttons. I can read my emails but not sent them, so just a side note to Darren, (I hope you read this, or someone *please and thank you* from rotary lets you know the info is here) the "hotel du bon coin" was bought out and turned into condos, according to the tourism office in Chamonix, so you'll have to find a different hotel when you go there. Its no longer open.
Well ladies and gen , thats all I have to say,
talk to you all soon, or maybe not so soon, with the internet connection like it is, but in any case miss you all
A plus!!