I am getting sad about leaving, already. Its not that I am not thrilled to see my family, friends, ben at home, but its just that I have a life here now. Canada is starting to feel the way that france felt a year ago. Canada will be a whole new adventure when I come home. It will be re-getting to know people and having people re-get to know me. It will be getting ready to move out, either to France or university. It will be finding a new job, busy and probably very rushed. I'm excited for all that to happen. But I'm sad to leave my life here. When I leave here, it will never be the same again. At home or in France. I'm appreciating the stability of the moment.
I have been particularily enjoying promanading in town lately, seeing the old buildings like this one. Night or day, Chambery is a pretty town. I have only one month left with this family before moving again. The last three months will fly.
This weekend I am going to go to Paris for the second time to run the half Marathon. I have been really lucky to be placed in two houses with Dads that run. Bernard took me to the South of France, and Etienne is now taking me to the North.
Its a beautiful day. I am going to now promanade myself to the swimming pool for some nice laps.
Just one last comment: check out this website about the meaning of the olympic rings
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