Tuesday, November 22, 2005


This morning my first course starts at 8 00, so that means I have to take the 7 30 bus. When I first woke up enough to actually look at my clock, as opposed to just hitting it to get another 10 minutes, its said 7 20. I am feeling sick today and yesterday anyway and was really in need of a steaming bowl of tea so having less that 10 minutes to get ready wasn't really good news. I cursed in french, jumped out of bed and threw on my clothes, shoes, coat, backpack and a hat for my undone hair. I was ready to go in 10 minutes flat and I even had time to put my earrings in. I went downstairs to the kitchen to quickly grab some bread to eat on the bus and I stopped, looked at the clock again and it said 6 30. I must have accidentally set the clock in my room forward an hour. Something that has deffinatly happend more than once to me. I cursed in french again, took off my coat and backpack, had a breakfast, tranquille and then decided to use my extra half hour to write to all of you what happened. I got so carried away writing all of this that I missed my bus. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? I was ready an hour early and still managed to miss my bus!!! I ended up getting a ride to school with Veronique. Anyway the point of this story is that merde happens, even in France.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

trop trop trop trop trop trop TROP TROP TROP TROP et encore T R O P BIENNNNNN!!!

10:47 PM  
Blogger Kelly O said...

I love this post, it reminds me life does not change no matter where I reside. Wonderful Bonnie.

11:17 PM  

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